I have been fortunate to work with great students and families. My students inspire and amuse me, and I enjoy notes and drawings from them.
Vertical Motion Problem with desmos explanation
Given the intercept and vertex of a quadratic function, how do you derive the equation?
Online graphing calculators, like desmos, are a great tool to clarify and demonstrate concepts. This problem is from a 9th-grade Algebra 1 student, and the details of the solution can be found at this link: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/famtehjvfe
Learning Glowforge laser printing
This wooden puzzle project combines graphics, technology, and fabrication, resulting in a must-have math manipulative for fractions that kids love.
It didn’t finish due to getting too hot with a risk of fire. Back to the design review of graphics and materials!
Animal Graphs and Charts
Kids enjoy this book and there are lots of math activities that can be used to engage students.
The circle of life (Deadly Animals) is my favorite: Slow Reveal Graphs: Deadly Animals
I discovered this book and #slowrevealgraphs from Amplify’s Math Teacher Lounge, a great resource!
Combinations of 10 with Monkeys
<iframe src=”https://www.geogebra.org/calculator/bfyzbhuz?embed” width=”800″ height=”600″ allowfullscreen style=”border: 1px solid #e4e4e4;border-radius: 4px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>